Culture 21 maio, 2019

The Brazilian Livraria da Travessa arrives in Lisbon

Known for its literary curatorial and architectural design, with an unusual design, as well as its extensive cultural programming. The bookshop, Livraria da Travessa, born in Rio de Janeiro after the end of the dictatorship, is coming to Lisbon!



The bookstore, which specializes in the market of art and imported bookst, became an absolute success in Brazil and now has 8 stores (6 in Rio, 1 in São Paulo and 1 in Ribeirão Preto). It was time to take Travessa to the international market!


The new space is integrated with the Casa Pau-Brasil, which offers curatorship of Brazilian brands, and its premiere took place at the launch of the book of poems “Retratos com Erro” by Brazilian writer Eucanaã Ferraz – who was present at the event.



“Our way of seeing bookstore creates demand and seduces the customer in a very nice way. It provides the reader’s encounter with the book, that this is the function of the bookstore. And in Lisbon, I met and fell in love with the Príncipe Real, “said Rui Campos, Livraria Travessa’s director in an interview for Máxima, who also said that the reason for choosing Lisbon as the company’s first international point was to increase the exchanges between Brazil and Portugal. To bring the books here and take the books from there.



The bookstore, which produces miscellaneous cultural programs, hosts more than a thousand events throughout the year, including book presentations, exhibitions and concerts. In the store in Lisbon, the space has 300m², with space for Brazilian literature, as well as for Portuguese and international authors.