Culture 3 junho, 2019

Rock star Patti Smith launches new memoir

The star Patti Smith, who got famous during the height of the punk movement and today is considered one of the world’s greatest artists for the past 50 decades, is launching her new memoir “The Year of the Monkey.” The singer, who is also famous for her poetry, decided to change the formula and writing about her travels during 2016. The book will also be illustrated with originals polaroid photography.

“I began writing it on New Year’s Day, 2016 in cafes, trains and strange motels by the sea, with no particular design, until page by page it became a book,” Smith wrote on her Instagram account.


With its released on September 24th, the book begin shortly after the singer’s performances at the Fillmore in San Francisco, when she decided to go to the Santa Cruz coast. For a year the artist traveled to several places, such as Arizona desert and Kentucky pastures.

In the pages we will learn about Patti ́s creative process, which starts with questions such as “why do we write?” And even “where do ideas come from?”. A real dip in the artist’s work and her inner thoughts.